Kevin Breel
Writer. Comedian. Activist.
Meet Kevin
Kevin Breel is a 23-year old writer, comedian and activist.
As a writer, his debut memoir ‘Boy Meets Depression’ achieved critical acclaim. Forbes Magazine called it “a small book well worth reading” and NPR dubbed it “honest and compelling”.
As a comedian, Kevin has headlined theatres and colleges with his unique, story telling show.
And as an activist for mental health, Kevin has been a guest speaker at Harvard University, Yale, and MIT.
He has also spoken at Fortune 500 Companies, for The Government of Canada and even at TED; where his viral talk has amassed over 4 million views. The talk entitled “Confessions of a Depressed Comic” is one of the most viewed TED talks in history- alongside the likes of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.
Kevin has been a part of multi million dollar fundraising events, helped to advise political reform and is one of the National Ambassadors for the presitigous Bell LET’S TALK Campaign.
A receipent of multiple awards for social activism around mental health, Parade Magazine recently named Kevin to their list of “Most Influential Millenials in the World” alongside Mark Zuckerberg.
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"Honest and compelling."

"A small book well worth reading."

"Honest and compelling."